1. Sanctuary
2. The Passion (SG)
3. Chapel of Holy Mother
4. Chapel of St. Joseph
5. Wedding at Cana (SG)
6. The Nativity (SG)
7. The Resurrection (SG)
8. Blessing Children (SG)
9. Great Saints SG
10. Fruits of the Holy Spirit (SG)
11. Confessionals
12. Nave
13. The Pieta
14. St. Paul at Athens (SG)
15. Vestibule
The first Catholics to settle in Butler, English-speaking Irish settlers, built their first church, St. Peter's, in 1822. St. Peter's Parish was dismantled for obscure reasons in 1853. It is known that a German-speaking Catholic Parish had been formed in Butler between 1822 and 1853. St. Paul's Parish, designed for English-speaking Catholics, was organized in 1866 with the erection of the first church on this site. That church was replaced with the current structure in 1909.
Great Saints
South Side (St. Paul Church)
St. Patrick, Bridget & Columkille of Ireland
St. Boniface of Germany
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Leopold of Austria
St. Gregory the Great of Italy
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque of France
St Guy of the Netherlands
North Side (St. Paul Church)
St Wenceslaus of Bohemia
St. Teresa of Avila in Spain
St. John of God of Portugal
St. Callus of Switzerland
St. Catherine of Siena in Italy
St. Stanislaus Koska of Poland
St. Edward of England
St. Rose of Lima in Peru